Blundell - Fairy Tale Podcasts

I met with Janice at Blundell Elementary to plan a Fairy Tale Unit with students that she works with in the library.

Her plan is to use GarageBand to create an audiobook of a Fairy Tale. (Recordings could also be posted as an enhanced podcast for downloading from home.)

Here are the steps we will use:

1. Review partner-work expectations. (How to listen, how to cooperate)

2. Choose and practice your story with a partner (read alternating pages)
(use: Folk and Fairy Tale Easy Readers - from Scholastic)

The Little Red Hen
Martina the Cockroach
The Three Little Pigs
The Spider and the Beehive
Stone Soup
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Gingerbread Man
The Tortoise and the Hare
The Ugly Duckling
The Princess and the Pea
The Elves and the Shoemaker
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
The Nightingale

3. Students record their story on GB. Record each "page" as a separate audio clip. (Makes for easier editing.)

4. Read over the story and look for ways to "Sweeten" the audio:
(Music, sound effects, stingers, etc) Make a note where in the story each effect would go.
Check GB "menu" of Sound Effects choices to see what's possible. (See sample below)

5. Add the effects and music you have chosen. (Bring Earbuds from home for the lab work.)

6. Tweak your sounds for the best results.

7. The teacher will help students share: export to the desktop, burn as a CD or put on website (podcast) for parents.

(Extension: write your own fairy tales. Follow the same process above.)

(We'll post a sample once the students are finished.)

Sound Effects PDF