1) Since DRC has many DVD and print resources available on a range of topics, my suggestion was that administrators could order up a bin-to-go of materials on a specific topic and have this delivered to their school for their Pro-D committee to review, for their study group to peruse or even to have on hand for a Pro-D day as a "browsable" resource pack. I brought some Leadership resources and signed out a few on the spot.
2) I spent a few moment highlighting the elibrary of ASCD books we currently have via Gale-Cengage. These resources offer a perfect (and free) source of content for school-based study groups. Participants can view individual chapters from a wide range of materials, read them on any number of devices or even print a chapter for tech challenged members. I hope to expand on the series in the future. (There are also a number of recommended ISTE titles as well.)