More Book Trailers - Com 11

Dave G and I worked on creating a booktrailer for "Kat's Fall", the novel his Communications 11 kids are reading.

I demo-ed the the Coraline trailer I had created, and then previewed a few samples from the book-trailer sample sites I used with Krista's class.

In order to help the students focus their thinking, we asked them divide their "trailer" into 8 sections. Dave used a legal sized sheet folded to help organize their work (See below):They put images (or ideas for images) above, and words (or themes, or script) below. Using both sides of the paper gives the students a total of eight pairs of "panels" to work with.

For homework, they looked for images that matched up with their "organizer" and then began assembling them in iMovie. Adding music, sound effects and a voice over completed the booktrailer

The project gave the students an opportunity to share the themes and ideas they noticed in the novel in a fun and exciting way.