The Library Learning Commons

Re-imagine your school library.

This slide show was used as part of a presentation to CISVA teacher-librarians and library staff.


Applis pour le vocab!

Digital Resources for Elementary FI

There are lots of great apps and websites that Elementary FI teachers can use to build vocabulary and create engagement. Without enough words, students have difficulty expressing their ideas, but traditional vocabulary activities are often dull and uninspiring. This use of technology can spice up a lesson, and in some cases offer affordances that traditional exercises cannot!


Further Conversations about FPPoL

Looking Closer - Integrating Aboriginal Content and Ways of Knowing

This second session was offered in the context of our district's curriculum implementation days. It was an opportunity to extend our discussions which we began in the session on First Peoples' Principles of learning.

We explored:

"How can I include Aboriginal worldviews, content, and pedagogy into my teaching in respectful, authentic, meaningful ways? Where can I find resources to do this in my class?"


Reporting Out - BCTLA Webinar

Advocacy in Action

This presentation was offered (with co-presenter Nancy Sharkey) as part of the BCTLA's webinar series. We explored why Admin reports for Teacher-librarians can be an effective tool for advocacy and we looked at what might be included, and what "unorthodox" formats might work best. (The link is to the slideshow, with speaker's notes for additional links.)


Ressources numériques pour la biblio

Some apps and links for French

I do a series of workshops for French Immersion school TLs. In this session we looked at apps and links that help with language and vocabulary development.


Contenu autochtone numérique

AbEd Digital Resources for French Immersion libraries

There is a wealth of French Aboriginal content online, but the challenge is finding it! Here are some resources for accessing reading materials, music, arts, and video.


Context at your fingertips

World Book Encyclopedia

Encyclopedias are a great way to build context for students. I use this slideshow to promote the many features of WB, the three levels and the three languages.


First Peoples' Principles of Learning

Engaging with the principles.

This session was presented to Richmond teachers as part of the district Curriculum Implementation Days. This presentation is an overview of the First Peoples' principles of learning, with some resources for teachers to become better acquainted with the content. (Speaker's notes add links and additional background.)


RTLA Fall Conference 2015

What is it that we do?

This year's conference looked at the roles of the TL, how teacher-librarians can support the new curriculum, the value of memory books and fiction to help students deal with loss, the role of innovation grants, and some fun "bibliotechnology" to razzle and dazzle.

"Lire en français"

Reading resources in French
In a continuing series of workshops for French Immersion Teacher Librarians, I reviewed the subscription database/services we have in the district that are useful in the FIM classroom. Included are references (and links) to print materials in the DRC catalog.
